Painful Intercourse | Drugs | Natural Remedies |

Many women experience painful sexual intercourse from time to time. Sometimes, the problem is a physical one: for example, sex is often uncomfortable after childbirth, particularly if you had stitches or a tear, or after menopause when the vagina is less well lubricated. Vaginal infections and irritations, or simply being constipated, can also play a part. Vaginal dryness due to lack of arousal is often a factor in painful intercourse; in extreme cases, a woman may experience spasms in her vaginal muscles that make penetration difficult or even impossible. Physical symptoms such as these are often due to underlying psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, or previous experience of painful intercourse.

What you can do yourself

If you find intercourse painful, try to identify the cause and take the following steps as appropriate.
● Try using a lubricating jelly if you suffer from vaginal dryness.
● If a certain sexual position causes pain, try another one. Some women like to be on top, so that they can control penetration.
● If you think that vaginal dryness might be due to lack of arousal, talk things through with your partner. Make sure you spend enough time on foreplay. Caressing each other without progressing to full intercourse from time to time will take the pressure off and help you both relax.
● Painful intercourse can make you anxious and more likely to tighten up the next time you try to have sex. You may be able to break this vicious circle by spending more time on foreplay as above, soaking in a warm bath, having a glass of wine, and practicing muscle relaxation exercises before you have sex. 
● Don’t use douches or perfumed toiletries in case they cause vaginal discomfort and irritation.
● If you use tampons, check you have not forgotten to remove one at the end of your last period.


Lubricating jelly Apply a water-soluble jelly to your vagina before you have sexual intercourse. Alternatively, use a longer-lasting vaginal moisturizer that replenishes moisture over several days.
Using lubricants: Long-acting moisturizers are supplied with an applicator, which is inserted into the vagina. Apply jelly with an applicator or with your fingers.

Seek further medical advice

Arrange to see your doctor if:
● The pain continues despite treating the cause and using self-help measures
● You develop other symptoms, such as bleeding from the vagina after intercourse
Painful Intercourse | Drugs | Natural Remedies | Painful Intercourse | Drugs | Natural Remedies | Reviewed by The Female About on April 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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