Diet and Food Supplements for Better Sex Life


PEOPLE HAVE TURNED to an enormous variety of substances throughout history in their attempts to intensify the sexual experience, from powdered rhino horn to oysters. Today, the general consensus is that very few of these aphrodisiacs actually work. Instead, attention has turned to substances that promote the sexual health and well-being of the whole body.

Although there is some evidence that drugs derived from yohimbine (a compound in the bark of the yohimbe tree) can improve sex, there are very few other substances that act as reliable aphrodisiacs. A much better option is to try to improve your sex life using techniques pioneered by sex therapy, or to consult your doctor about pharmacologically approved drugs such as Viagra or hormone supplements such as testosterone.
A diet that is rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals is thought to prevent degenerative diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, and retain healthy sexual function. It is also thought to preserve youthful looks and vitality, both of which are important for sexual confidence. Antioxidant vitamins and minerals include vitamins A, C, and E, coenzyme Q10, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc. A good way to ensure that you get enough antioxidants is to eat plenty of fresh fruit and green, leafy vegetables, or take a general antioxidant supplement. Zinc and vitamin E are both particularly good for sexual health and fertility. In addition, zinc is good for the prostate gland. A deficiency of vitamin E is thought to result in a low sex drive.


THERE ARE MANY HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS on the market. Some of them can benefit your sex life indirectly by alleviating problems such as stress and fatigue, or by promoting vitality and energy. If you have any doubts about whether it is appropriate to take herbal remedies, consult a qualified medical herbalist, naturopath, or doctor. Among the herbs that are worth investigating are the following:

Works on the pituitary gland and has a balancing effect on the hormones, particularly during the second half of the menstrual cycle and menopause, when hot flashes can occur. Also useful in reducing excessive prolactin levels.
WARNING: Do not take if you are already taking HRT or other hormonal treatment.
Improves blood circulation, reduces premenstrual breast pain, and improves learning ability, memory, and concentration. Is an effective agent for inhibiting PAFs (platelet activating factors), which can lead to thrombosis and bronchial constriction.
One of the most highly prized of all medicinal herbs, ginseng regulates the metabolic rate, stimulates blood sugar levels,
maintains vitality, and protects against mental and emotional stress.
Can increase both sperm count and quality of sperm.
WARNING: Herpes sufferers should not use the supplement L-arginine because it stimulates the virus.
An alternative to cod-liver oil, this increases immune function, regularizes the menstrual cycle, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Regulates stress hormones, boosts physical energy (it is particularly useful for improving recovery after illness), and may improve sexual function.
Treats prostate problems caused by too much testosterone. Strengthens the neck of the bladder, reduces frequent urination, and acts as a tonic for general debility.
WARNING: Not to be taken by pregnant or breast-feeding women.


In addition to the other supplements and dietary recommendations mentioned on these pages, the following are useful for improving or maintaining a good sex life in the middle or later years:
An amino sugar, glucosamine builds up cartilage that may otherwise have worn down in older men and women. It also helps counteract stiffness, which can cause sexual problems.
Naturally occurring estrogens found in plants can supplement natural hormones. Phytoestrogens maintain hormone production in postmenopausal women and help to prevent prostate enlargement in men.
WARNING: Phytoestrogen supplements must not be taken together with HRT.
Sage acts as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, astringent, and tonic. May be used in an infusion. Helps to control menopausal symptoms in women.
Vitamin E capsules taken orally relieve menstrual cramps, endometriosis pain, and premenstrual tension. Oil applied locally encourages healing. A capsule inserted into the vagina offers resistance to chlamydia and relieves menopausal vaginal dryness.
Diet and Food Supplements for Better Sex Life Diet and Food Supplements for Better Sex Life Reviewed by Naresh Kumar Behera on October 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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